
Short Name Name
EFA Erythrocyte fatty acids - Chromatography - whole blood View More
FOLR Erythrocyte folic acid (Erythrocytes vitamin B9), Whole Blood View More
OSMF Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility, Blood View More
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) first hour, Blood View More
EPO Erythropoietin (EPO), Serum View More
EAG Estimated Average Glucose, EDTA Blood View More
eGFR Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Level, Serum View More
FE3 Estriol, Free (FE3), Serum View More
ETH Ethanol (Alcohol), Quantitative, Serum View More
FAC2 Factor II Assay, Plasma View More
FAC9 Factor IX Assay, Plasma View More
FAC5 Factor V Assay, Plasma View More
FAC7 Factor VII Assay, Plasma View More
VWC Factor VIII assay, Plasma View More
FAC10 Factor X Assay, Plasma View More
FAC11 Factor XI Assay, Plasma View More
FAC12 Factor XII Assay, Plasma View More
XIII Factor XIII Assay, Plasma View More
FXIII Factor XIII Mutation, PCR, Blood View More
FISHF Failed Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization Sample View More
FMF Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) Mutations View More
FBS Fasting Blood Sugar (Glucose), Serum View More
SUD/S Fat (Sudan III), Stool View More
FER Ferritin, Serum View More
XY Fetal Gender Test (Janini XY), Streck Whole Blood View More

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