Patient Reception
Receptionist will receive patients and request information from patients using the correct request form (with the full approval of the patient, the request form is considered a contract and if finalized to start testing).
Patient will either:
Information required on orders or request forms to include at least the following:
1. Patient Full name: first, middle and surname.
2. Age and gender.
3. Referring physician information (if applicable): name and fax number if required.
4. Phone number: Home, office or mobile.
5. Patient preparation (e.g. fasting, pregnant) if required.
6. Other clinical history: diabetic, last dose of drug, supplements intake, smoker, date of birth, gestation, abstinence, medication, LMP, blood group, weight, etc ...
7. Specimen type / source, amount, time of collection when appropriate.
8. Collection instructions: preservative, anti-coagulant, refrigeration etc...
9. Patient ID #, available for previous patients or assigned for new patients.
10. Additional information required for selecting appropriate tests to ensure accurate test interpretation and reporting of results (for example; race, ethnicity, family history, pedigree).
Note: If the patient requires deviations and exclusions from the physician prescription, it is recorded on the patient request form and is reflected in the patient’s examination results.
Patient preparation
Specimen Collection
After all required information's has been recorded; specimen collection is performed as mentioned earlier. Each specimen has its own criteria and principle:
Blood collection
a. Adults/children
If tests with different blood specimen types are required, follow the proceeding order of blood draw and evacuation:
When using a vacutainer or syringe |
1- Blood culture tube and/or yellow top tube (only drawn by vacutainer) |
2- Sodium citrate tube (i.e. Blue top) |
3- Serum tube with or without clot activator and with or without gel separator (i.e. red, glass or plastic; SST, gold, red-gray marbled) |
4- Heparin tube with or without gel separator (i.e. green top) |
5- EDTA tube (i.e. lavender top) |
6- Oxalate/fluoride-antiglycolytic tube (i.e. gray top) |
After veni-puncture:
1. Do not recap the needle prior to disposal.
2. Dispose of the needle in the designated sharps container.
3. Immediately following blood collection, invert the tubes gently and completely 4-5 times at approximately 180 degrees.
4. As soon as possible, set the blood upright in a test tube rack.
Note: availability of the vein viewer facilitates veni-puncture by visually aiding vein locations.
b. Neonates
1. Warm the heel for 3 minutes prior to puncture by rubbing the site gently.
2. Clean the veni-puncture site with an alcohol pad in a circular motion then wipe it with a sterile dry gauze pad.
3. Hold the baby's foot firmly to avoid sudden movement.
4. Using a sterile blood lancet, puncture the site of the heel gently in the appropriate regions.
5. Using a clean, dry cotton pad, wipe away the first drop of blood.
6. Gently and progressively squeeze the heel to let blood out.
7. Collect the blood using capillary tube/s as needed (See Fig.5). Tests run using capillary tubes are total serum bilirubin and packed cell volume only.
8. When finished, elevate the heel, place a piece of dry cotton over the puncture site and hold it in place until the bleeding has stopped.
Important notes for phlebotomy:
Note: It is preferable not to redraw blood twice from the same patient, if the first time failed to succeed (unless obligated), always call a colleague. (KPI assigned to help reduce double pricking from occurring).
Urine collection (spot/24 hour/cytology)
a. Spot Urine:
1. Stick the pre-printed Label on a plastic urine cup with the patient’s name and technician initials.
2. Ask the patient to void the urine into the urine cup, mid stream.
3. Testing by strip screening and microscopic examination must be performed within one hour of collection to avoid bacterial and fungal growth, cast decomposition, RBC-lysis and pH changes.
4. For microbiological examination urine may be stored up to 24 hr at 2 to 8°C.
5. For determination and differentiation of proteins, urine may be stored up to 1 week at 4 to 8 degrees; but it must not be deep-frozen or stabilized by any chemical additives.
6. Urine is discarded in the sink when results are released and the cups in the garbage leave water running after urine disposal in the sink.
b. 24hr Urine Collections:
1. Give the patient the 24 hr urine container.
2. Explain the method of collection as follows; empty the bladder and discard the first sample in the morning of collection (note the time of starting collection). All following urine samples are to be collected in the container provided. In the meantime keep the container in the fridge (or cool place 2-8 degrees Celsius) to avoid bacterial contamination. The next day, collection ends with the first morning urine sample collected in the container (note the time of ending collection).
3. In addition, give patients the instruction cards if available, and be aware of test requirements.
c. Urine for Cytology:
Direct the patient to the following (give the 24 hr collection container):
1. Empty bladder.
2. Drink one large cup of water every 15 minutes for 2 hours; refrain from going to the toiled during these two hours (be as mobile as possible since it helps collect the cells in urine).
3. Empty bladder again.
4. Refrain from going to the toiled for another hour.
5. Collect the whole sample even if it exceeds the container size (use more than one container).
6. In addition, give patients the instruction cards if available.
Semen collection
Semen should be collected after a minimum of 72 hours but no longer than 7 days of sexual abstinence.
1. Stick the pre-printed Label on a plastic urine cup with the patient's name and technician’s initials.
2. Advise the patient to urinate and then wash and dry hands and genitals thoroughly prior to ejaculation to avoid bacterial contamination of semen, plus record ejaculation time.
3. In case of collecting sample at lab: whole ejaculate should be collected by masturbation into a clean urine cup.
4. In case of collecting sample at home: whole ejaculate should be collected by masturbation into a clean urine cup. Sample should be delivered to the lab within 15 minutes during which the sample should remain close to body temperature (contain in hands or close to the body).
5. In addition, give patients the instruction cards if available.
6. Semen upon arrival is placed in the incubator at 37°C for analysis.
7. Semen is discarded in the autoclaved garbage when results are released.
Sputum collection
For best results, a series of early morning specimens should be obtained over a period of three consecutive days, submitting one specimen each morning for three days.
1. Instruct patient to cough deeply (from the diaphragm/ stress to avoid saliva and give sputum).
2. Collect all sputum in a urine cup that has the pre-printed label of the patient’s name and the technician initials.
3. Describe how the material should be (watery, mucoid).
Stool collection
Stool testing by microscopy examination should be performed within maximum one hour of passing of the stool, since amoebic trophozoites die and become unrecognizable after that.
1. Stick the pre-printed Label on a plastic stool cup with the patient’s name and technician initials.
2. Ask the patient to give the sample in the container provided (either at the lab or at home provided the sample given at home is delivered to the lab within half an hour).
3. Reject samples if:
4. For occult blood: ensure patients acknowledge the following:
5. Stool is discarded in the garbage when results are released.
Blood Culture samples
Throat swab collection
1. In good light, using a tongue depression, examine the throat and mouth.
2. Look for inflammation, and the presence of any membrane, exudates or pus:
3. Swab the affected area using a sterile cotton or alginate wool swab. Take care not to contaminate the swab with saliva. Keep swab in its sterile container.
4. For 8 hrs before swabbing, the patient must not be treated with antibiotics or antiseptic mouth washes.
5. Within 2 hours of collection, deliver the swab with a request form to the laboratory. If the collected swab has to be transported from the health center to the laboratory, a suitable transport media is used. When these swabs reach the laboratory they are moistened in sterile nutrient both before being cultured.
2) Fluid in Syringes/Containers
Record volume, color, appearance and clot presence (if any) and send
immediately for analysis, otherwise need to place specimen in fridge.
3) Bacterial Cultures
Make sure the culture plates received are tightly sealed to avoid contamination.
Note: Patient consent is needed for drug of abuse related-tests.
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