Creatine kinase (CK) is an enz yme found in the heart, brain, skeletal muscle, and other tissues. It occurs as three isoenzymes based on dimeric combinations of two different polypeptides; the M (for muscle) and B (for brain). CK-MM is found in skeletal muscles and heart, CK-MB is mostly found in heart, and CK-BB in the brain. A HIGH CK usually indicates that there has been some damage to the heart or other muscles. It is therefore indicative of injury, rhabdomyolysis, myocardial infarction, muscular dystrophy, myositis, myocarditis, malignant hyperthermia, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. It is also seen in McLeod syndrome and hypothyroidism. LOW CK can be an indication of alcoholic liver disease and rheumatoid arthritis.
Allow specimen to clot completely at room temperature. Separate serum or plasma from cells ASAP. Avoid hemolysis. For alternative sample type, call the chemistry department.
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