
Short Name Name
MG24 Magnesium, 24 Hrs Urine View More
MG Magnesium, Serum View More
MGU Magnesium, Spot Urine View More
MALAB Malaria Antibodies, Serum View More
MAL Malaria Smear, Blood View More
MANG Manganese, Blood View More
MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) View More
MZGT Measles (Rubeola) Virus Antibodies, IgG, Serum View More
MZMT Measles (Rubeola) Virus Antibodies, IgM, Serum View More
MELA Melatonin, Serum View More
MERCB Mercury, Blood View More
MERU Mercury, Urine View More
MET24 Metanephrines, 24 Hrs Urine View More
METHB Methaemoglobin, whole blood View More
MTX Methotrexate, Serum View More
HIPA Methylhippuric acid, Urine View More
MMAS Methylmalonic Acid (MMA), Blood View More
MMAU Methylmalonic Acid (MMA), Urine View More
MAU12 Microalbuminuria, 12 Hrs Urine View More
MAU24 Microalbuminuria, 24 Hrs Urine View More
MDSA Microdeletion syndromes, Genetic Analysis, Amniotic Fluid View More
MDSPB Microdeletion syndromes, Genetic Analysis, Peripheral Blood View More
MOLU Molybdenum, Urine View More
CODP Monospecific Direct Coomb`s test View More
MTHFR2 MTHFR Gene Mutation (A1298C), PCR, Blood View More

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